I help experienced product people take the next steps into career seniority. If you are a seasoned user experience, product management, or strategy professional and you need practical help to take your next career steps, contact me. I will help you get past mangled moments, re-inflate your confidence, and copy and paste yourself into your dream job.
What we’ll work on
You have lots of experience but you aren’t sure how to turn that into senior roles and the power to design and launch great products.
You crave practical suggestions to help with challenges you are facing right now.
You want perspective from a woman who has been in tech for decades.
You need to continue to evolve your own UX and product skillset while also developing your career.
How it works
Read testimonials from coaching clients below
Application & Consultation, 15 mins, Free
Answer a few questions about your own goals for coaching and what qualities you are looking for a in a coach. If we look like a good match, I’ll send you a link to schedule our first free conversation or your single session (if that’s what you are requesting). After that, you can pick the coaching arrangement that works best for you.
One Session, 60 mins
One of my superpowers is my speed. I will understand your situation and be able to provide practical coaching very quickly. Sometimes, just a few meetings will get you moving in the right direction. Perfect if you are preparing to ask for a promotion, considering whether a role is right for you, or working on the Never Search Alone process and need a little extra help. Note that I donate a portion of my fee to Never Search Alone if that’s how you found me. Read more about Never Search Alone below.
Coaching Packages
Coaching packages are customized for you and how fast you want to work. All packages include scheduled meetings and as many ‘drive-bys’ as you need (things like quick emails, text responses, or short calls for pressing issues).
What is Tamara like?
I’m the host of a bi-weekly Linkedin Live on The Power of Job Search Councils that regularly reaches 750-1000 audience members. You can get a sense of my style and energy by watching one of the recordings (or attending a live session yourself).
Secrets of Good Networking: Deep Dive with Author Karen Wickre
Power of Job Search Councils With Recruiter Julian Sproul
Client Testimonials
My career-related articles
If you are looking for or simply thinking about your next job or career move, buy the book Never Search Alone by Phyl Terry and join a free Job Search Council. Visit