20 Minute UX Masterclass for Web3 Teams: Practical Ways to make your user experiences better

This is my mainstage presentation from BuildEth 2023, re-recorded to share with everyone and now slightly longer than 20 minutes.

Everyone complains about Web3 user experience, but I share practical ideas that will help you and your team get the clarity, focus, and alignment you need to create truly usable Web3 experiences.

Yes, I share good and bad examples of Web3 user experiences (mostly focused on wallets), but I don't think looking at other peoples' UX designs will really help you. Instead, getting crystal clear on the measurable, time-boxed, and usage-based goals for you project is the critical first step.

To get truly user-centered, you have to outlaw words like 'user' from your vocabulary. Instead, I'll show you how to create quick 'I want / I need' based alignment personas and use those to take a fresh look at your own (and your competitors') UIs.

You'll be amazed how many problems you will spot (and therefore be able to fix) once you start thinking LIKE users (vs thinking (ABOUT) users.

I also talk about how important basic UX heuristics--like Jakob Neilsen's 1994 Usability Heuristic--are still super relevant and helpful to even the most cutting-edge products. You'll be able to take my list of key questions back to your team to surface misalignments and recalibrate your awareness of the actual problems you are solving for real people.


Unf*cked By Design


Wallet UX Teardown: How crypto wallets need to change if the goal is mass adoption